Ubiq IoT


Ubiq IoT developed by Vieira Filho, is a highly innovative weatherproof and self-powered flexible data collector.

One of the key features of the device is its ability to utilize Kinéis satellite communication for seamless and reliable data transmission. This ensures that even in remote or challenging environments, the device can effectively transmit the collected data to the desired web services.

Furthermore, the Ubiq IoT system includes a versatile and customizable web platform that allows users to easily monitor and analyze the transmitted data. This web platform provides a user-friendly interface and various tools for data visualization and analysis, enabling users to gain valuable insights from the collected information.


- Accelerometer
- GNSS module
- Self-powered, solar panel integrated
- USB-C port

Kinéis IOT Satellite

About us

Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.

© kineis - IoT everywhere - 2023

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Contact us

11, rue Hermès
31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne

+ 33 5 61 39 47 00


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