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Smart Agriculture
By leveraging cutting-edge IoT technology, Kineis' Smart Agriculture solutions pave the way for increased productivity and sustainability in revolutionizing farming practices, aligning with the agricultural sector's constant technical, organizational, and environmental innovations.
Since its origins, agriculture has constantly adapted to the changing needs of humanity. Today, it is adapting to environmental and productivity issues through a dual organisational and technological evolution.
On ever larger or more remote areas, with animals raised in the wild near sensitive areas or fragile heritages.
1.5 billion
hectares under cultivation
40 %
proportion of livestock in
of world agricultural production
1.3 billion
people rely on livestock for food security
Extensive breeding
The herds of cattle, sheep, or deer raised across expansive, unfenced landscapes present unique challenges. Space technology enables precise herd location tracking, facilitating easy monitoring and retrieval when necessary, while also providing alerts if the herd enters sensitive areas. Additionally, this technology allows for continuous health and behavioral monitoring of individual animals, ensuring their well-being and optimizing overall herd management.
Water and soil quality
Smart Agriculture solutions from Kineis offer farmers the ability to monitor crop growth, soil quality, and adjust watering rates remotely, saving them the need to travel extensive distances over large areas. By leveraging spatial connectivity, farmers gain access to vital information, enabling precise control of their instruments from a distance. This empowerment leads to increased yields, optimized water consumption, and more efficient use of agricultural machinery, ultimately reducing fuel consumption.
About us
Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.
© kineis - IoT everywhere - 2023
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