SmartSat, satellite IoT connectivity within reach

Kinéis has introduced a new offer to its catalog called SmartSat. This offer provides access to a library of documentation for quick and easy communication with satellites using commercially available components.

In September 2022, Kinéis and ST Microelectronics signed a partnership to make the STM32WL compatible with global satellite connectivity. By incorporating the STM32WL, you can benefit from hybrid connectivity for less than $50. Additionally, Kinéis offers unlimited connectivity for 3 months without any added fees.


While terrestrial solutions were long the go-to for low-cost data collection, they were limited by black spots where no connectivity was available. However, with the advent of new space technology and satellite operators like Kinéis, IoT via satellite is now accessible. Kinéis offers global connectivity with low power and a low data rate (19-byte messages) at an affordable cost (less than $10 per month). Satellite connectivity is a great complement and fallback for many terrestrial connectivity options, allowing for seamless data collection anywhere in the world.

Reference design 

To provide even quicker access to the market, Kinéis has designed a connected device that uses the STM32WL55 chipset. The reference design of the device is included in the SmartSat offer.

The device consists of a single PCB that holds the transmitter, a battery, and a tuned UHF antenna. It was designed to fit inside a tube-shaped device that includes an internal antenna. Manufacturing files, schematics, and bill-of-material (BOM) are available through Kineis support team and can be built by any EMS using these inputs. All components are available on the shelf and are not specific to Kineis.


Two versions of the transmitter are available: 

  1. Low power: This version benefits from the STM32WL55's internal PA to transmit short messages. 
  2. Medium power: This version includes a custom PA design to transmit standard messages. 


SmartSat Kinéis stack
SmartSat Kinéis stack

ST Microelectronics 

STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across a wide range of electronics applications, created the ST Partner Program to speed up customer development efforts by identifying and highlighting companies with complementary products and services.

As an ST Authorized Partner, satellite IoT connectivity is now supported by the STM32WL55 chipset, which is integrated into the evaluation board (NUCLEO-WL55JC2). This partnership is interesting because the Nucleo board already supports LoRa protocols, allowing for hybrid connectivity with only one component. 

Kinéis IOT Satellite

About us

Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.

© kineis - IoT everywhere - 2023

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11, rue Hermès
31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne

+ 33 5 61 39 47 00


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